Source: Deep State
In the fall of 1968, Donald Trump was fresh out of college. According to a December 26, 2018 story in the New York Times, he had been declared available for military service two years earlier but had been given academic deferment. Once he graduated, with an unknown GPA, he was eligible for the draft.
Unfortunately, that September it was discovered he had a physical ailment that precluded military service: bone spurs. Dr. Larry Braunstein, a Queens podiatrist who happened to rent his office space from Mr. Trump’s father Fred, wrote a letter which got the younger Trump a 4F classification.
The Times story suggests that Dr. Braunstein wrote that letter as “a favor” for the elder Mr. Trump, based only on the word of all of his children. But the Times admitted, “No paper evidence has been found to help corroborate the version of events described by the Braunstein family.”
On February 2, the T Files received a brown paper package containing an elaborate puzzle box that could only be solved by knowing dates and numbers specific to the main admin of this site.
The box contained the items below. Although it does seem to confirm Mr. Trump’s ineligibility for military service, it does raise other questions.